where to find your stylist

CLICK the name of your stylist and it will bring you to their site or booking link. Additionally, phone or email listed.

Bianca biancajcox3@gmail.com

Sakura Call District 87 402-804-8787

Massiel Que Linda Nyc quelindanyc@gmail.com

Tianna 347-470-0185

Karen Sun/Mon 4708 Salon text 917-710-2072 Thurs/Fri District 87 402-804-8787

Sarah Louise Kinloch Salon Williamsburg

Janelle Text 714-756-9056 bookingsx0jg@gmail.com

Hannah hannahransomhair@gmail.com

Emily 515-314-2714 hair.by.unrooted@gmail.com

Alyssa text 916-272-1124 alyssalopezartistry@gmail.com



Kaique text 929-562-8795

Anna UMI Salon 212-381-6160 annastasia@umisalonnyc.com

Lizzy UMI Salon lizzyweinberghair@gmail.com

Renae District 87 402-804-8787

AshleyLittle Lion Salon Williamsburg 718-369 0762